Monday, March 23, 2009

The Care of Fine Art - Preservation

A qualified professional framer will play an important role in the preservation of your art through the use of proper protective materials. Care should be taken in selecting a professional framer who is knowledgeable in preservation framing methods that will help protect valuable art.

When purchasing framed artwork, it would be wise to have it checked by a professional framer to be certain proper steps were taken to protect it. Improper framing could very well cause unnecessary deterioration resulting in a devaluation of the artwork.

Art on paper or canvas is fragile. Paints, stains, and pigments, as well as the paper and canvas,are all vulnerable to environmental conditions within our homes and offices. Too much or too little heat in a room, high humidity, poor air circulation, sunlight, and artificial light can cause irreparable damage to paintings, drawings and prints.

Works of art have many natural enemies. Do not be one of them. Protect your art and it will remain a treasure for a long time to come.

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